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Elevate Your Fitness, Conquer Every Challenge: Unleash Your Potential with Our Bootcamps

  • 1 uu
  • Vanaf 65 euro
  • Pieter Baststraat

Beschrijving van de dienst

Join our invigorating fitness bootcamps led by seasoned professionals who bring both expertise and enthusiasm to each session. With a comprehensive array of equipment and a wealth of experience, we've crafted dynamic workouts that cater to all fitness levels. Our bootcamps blend cardio, strength training, and functional exercises for a well-rounded fitness experience that guarantees results. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your journey, our energetic group atmosphere will push you to exceed your limits, helping you achieve your fitness goals faster than ever Price list: <5 athletes €65 >5 athletes €80 >10 athletes €100 >15 athletes €150 *In case of unavailability, please cancel at least 24 hours prior to the training. If the cancellation is within 24 hours of the training start, 50% of the costs will be charged.


  • Pieter Baststraat, Amsterdam, Netherlands


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